
Benefits of Our Financial Wellbeing Solution



With expert financial information at your employee’s fingertips, they’ll regain control of their finances. Creating a workforce that’s engaged, motivated and more productive.



Stress caused by financial uncertainty is one of the biggest causes of staff absences. With WellFi, your employees have 24/7 access to jargon-free financial information and tools helping them get to grips with their finances and take control.

Greater Employee


Knowing they’re supported and cared for and being fully aware of the value of your employee benefits creates a positive work environment, encouraging your employees to be loyal.

Enhanced Company


A comprehensive financial wellbeing solution is something to shout about! It gives you an edge over competitors and helps you to attract top talent that can bolster the growth of the company.


Works For You

Greater Visibility Of Employee’s Needs

With WellFi, you have employee surveys and usage statistics giving you a greater understanding of your employee’s interests and financial areas of concern. 

Increased Benefits Awareness
And Engagement

Each bite-size video offers a digestible insight into a specific financial topic with interactive tools and forms to take action. Featuring professional presenters, our videos are high-quality, informative, and multisensory.


With forms and factsheets available on the app, reclaim time spent by your HR team answering queries, sending forms, or sourcing information.

What Can You Do Better?

To understand the strengths of your financial wellbeing strategy and identify areas for improvement.

* The questionnaire consists of nine questions (it only takes a few minutes to complete), and at the end, we’ll email you a breakdown of your scores along with an explanation of what these mean.

Ready To See


Can Help You?

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